Corporate and Social Responsibility

Moving Together is an environmental and community outreach program developed by Two Men and a Truck. It forms part of the company’s overall public relations activities. Essentially Moving Together is a corporate responsibility program encompassing environmental and social initiatives in three areas:

1) within our business (our people and the physical environment)

2) in our local community (sponsorship / fundraising / voluntary assistance with local community people)

3) in the wider community (sponsorship / philanthropy / raising awareness with national and international initiatives)


The weather station at Indulkana, in close association with the Indulkana School, addresses the third area of environment and social initiatives, as outlined by Two Men and a Truck’s corporate responsibility program: wider community sponsorship, philanthropy and raising awareness via national and international initiatives.

Two Men and a Truck are pleased to support the awareness of the APY lands, their community and their culture.

Richard and Cheryl are aware that the Indigenous art industry can be a challenging place for art lovers, collectors and the general public to navigate successfully. Ensuring that income and purchase profits return to the community, is an important part of being an ethical investor. Buying directly from arts centres guarantees that income is distributed to the artist and the artist-owned and run art centres, thus benefiting the artists, the centre and the community at large.