At Last, Rain!
On the 4th of January, 2021, the Indulkana Weather Station recorded .4mm of rain; this was the first rain recorded in the last 30 days.
Why is a solar powered weather station important for Indulkana?
Richard’s Sydney based removals company, Two Men and a Truck, is dedicated to partnerships and projects with an extended life, rather than one-off events. Typically this involves donating services and resources to projects that are most likely to benefit communities over a long-term basis.
While traveling in the Indulkana region in 2015, Richard Kuipers asked the community what may benefit it in the long run and they responded with a request for a weather station, which could provide information to their school children and community groups.
On his return to Indulkana in 2017, Richard discovered that the local weather station at nearby Marla had recently been dismantled, leaving the community without access to accurate local weather data. The timing could not have been better as Richard was there to launch the new Indulkana Solar Weather Station.
The launch consisted of a number of locals, including prominent business people and the Marla Progress Association. Richard also brought lifetime friends and two of his granddaughters from Sydney to participate. The brief unveiling of the Indulkana Solar Weather Station was followed by a beer at the local pub.
What is the weather like in Indulkana today?
Are you a group, organisation or individual with an interest in the weather? If so, please reach out to us!
We are always looking to partner with folks who are interested in producing articles about the weather, consume the data made available by the weather station as well as innovative community engagement opportunities in Central Australia.
On the 4th of January, 2021, the Indulkana Weather Station recorded .4mm of rain; this was the first rain recorded in the last 30 days.
Moving Together is an environmental and community outreach program developed by Two Men and a Truck. It forms part of the company’s overall public relations activities.
Indulkana Anangu School Weather Station, 2017 The weather station installed at Indulkana in 2017 is an Australian owned, designed and produced weather station from Environdata.
Richard demonstraing online access to the data available from the Indulkana Weather Station. Richard Kuipers is a man of many interests, talents and stories! He